
Monday, May 28, 2012

Tootsie Pop vs Blow Pop

Click HERE or click Icon (image) below

Monday, May 21, 2012


I did a google search to look up one of my favorite Hershey's cookie bar recipes and I end up finding it on a really popular baking bloggers recipe blog page. She posts the Hersheys recipe completely accurate, she lists all the ingredients and instructions exactly as stated in the original Hersheys recipe. Only difference, she slightly changes the title of the recipe and never once mentions the recipe's original souce: "Hershey's." Even worse, she gets a ton of comments on "her" posted recipe, comments like, "oh thank you so much for this recipe, its amazing, blah blah blah..." which would be fine if she would respond with something like, "Oh your welcome, I got it from Hershey's web site." But no. Instead she just says, "your welcome."

WTF???? So lets be real here, basically what she's doing is trying to lead her viewers/followers to believe that she created this recipe. Its a really good recipe. I wish I had created it.  I just think what she's doing is soooooo wrong. How could anyone feel comfortable doing something like that? Thank GOD for KARMA!!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Homemade Pasta

This post looks kind of ghetto. Sorry. Homemade noodles (without a pasta maker) don't turn out very pretty looking. But, the taste totally makes up for it. I absolutely Love homemade pasta/noodles. The taste and the texture, totally my thing. This is my favorite recipe. Its easy and works perfect every time.

Homemade Pasta
1 Large egg
1/2 cup flour

Mix egg and flour. Roll out thin on lightly floured surface. Cut into strips Using a pizza cutter. Boil in broth or salted water for 4-7 min.
I got this recipe from Click HERE for a direct link to her recipe. Her instructions are way more elaborate and more clear. So I would advise taking a visit to her site prior to trying out this recipe. Also her pictures are way better than mine(:

Ellas Cake

My sister made this cake for Ella's birthday. Its the coolest looking cake Ive ever seen. I think she used a yellow cake mix and then topped it with buttercream and then homemade marshmallow fondant. I'm going to try and make one too, using my favorite yellow/butter cake recipe, homemade buttercream and then marshmallow fondant and some duff fondant.