Ive alwayz struggled w/ making good rice crispy treats. Always trying new recipes, hoping that maybe I'll finally land a decent one. Biggest complaint is that they usually end up very dry and won't hold together. Tonight I finally found whats honestly the best rice crispy treat recipe EVER! They're so perfect. The original recipe* calls for regular rice cereal but I used cocoa crispies; either would work. Also the original recipe calls for vanilla. I skipped the vanilla. But anyway, Here's the recipe Below (exact way I made it)...
Ultimate Rice Crispy Treats
1/4 C salted butter
4 C mini marshmallows
1 C mini marshallows
5 C crisp rice cereal
1/2 small Jar Marshmallow cream (so that would be like 3 ounces)
- Combine butter and 4 C marshmallows in a mircrowave-safe bowl. Cook for 1 1/2- 2 minutes or until the butter and marshmallow are just melted, no longer.
- Add remaining 1 C of marshmallows and 5 C of cereal and stir until the cereal is well coated. (Gage the texture as you stir and you can add a tad more rice cereal and/or more marshmallows, if needed.)
- Butter 9x9 glass pan and spread 1/2 of the cereal mixture into the pan, pressing with just barely buttered hands to make it easier.
- Place spoonfuls of the marshmallow cream over the entire top of the layer of cereal and spread to cover.
- Press remaining cereal mixture over the marshmallow cream and press into an even layer.
- Let cool and set for about an hour and slice. I put mine in the freezer for apx 30 min. Then Cut.
*Original Recipe written by Heather from Heatherlikesfood.com. You can Click Here for the original Recipe (basically the recipe w/out my modifications)