Friday, July 27, 2012
Cookie Dough Cupcakes
Almost EVERY baking blogger has already made these and blogged about them. There are several different variations to this recipe so I had to decide which recipe/method I wanted to use. In Annie Eats recipe, she makes a brown sugar cupcake cuts out the center of the baked cupcake pipes in cookie dough and then tops it with a flour based cookie dough frosting. Crumboss makes giant chocolate chip cupcakes, doesn't fill the cupcakes whatsoever, just leaves them as is. But then tops the baked cupcakes with a swiss meringue buttercream frosting that has eggless cookie dough stirred into it. It looks fantastic. And then theres a variation (used by Kevin&amanda) where you drop cookie dough into the cupcake batter and then bake the cupcakes and then top with frosting. I wasn't interested in that variation whatsoever. Why would you "bake" the cookie dough for a cookie "dough" cupcake?? once its baked, its no longer cookie "dough." So ya, not thanks on that one. To me thats not a cookie "dough" cupcake. thats just a cookie cupcake. So I decided to go with annie eats recipe but I used my cake recipe instead of hers. Just for the base cupcakes. But I used her cookie dough recipe and her frosting recipe and I also used her assembly method. It turned out Awesome!! This recipe is bomb. I can't speak for her cupcake batter, but I can definitely once again say that my vanilla cake/cupcake recipe is the BEST ever!!! Everyone LOVED these cupcakes!
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