
Sunday, December 9, 2012

Salt Dough Ornaments

Salt Dough Ornaments

2 cups Flour
1 Cup Salt
1 cup Water
1/2 teaspoon vegetable oil
Food Coloring

Parchment Paper
Cookie Cutters
String or ribbons
Paints and Glitters

Mix Flour and Salt in Medium Sized Bowl. Gradually add Water and mix until dough Forms. Dump Dough onto clean Counter Top. Sprinkle dough with 1/4 or 1/2 teaspoon veg oil. Knead Dough 10 minutes. Let Dough Rest 20 min. Add Food Coloring to the dough (if you'd rather not paint.) Use cookie cutters and hands to make/mold whatever shape ornaments you want. Use a straw to poke a hole in the top so you can hang them with a string or ribbon. Bake 40 min (over parchment) at 200. Once they are baked and dry, you can paint them bedazzle with glitter or whatever you want!!


  1. I remember making salt dough ornaments many years ago and even still have a few. Yours came out so cute! I love the colors!

    Sending wishes for a very Merry Christmas!

    1. oh thank you you're so sweet!! hopefully ours last long like yours did. And merry christmas to you too!!!!
