Tuesday, August 3, 2010


https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=gmail&attid=0.1&thid=12e04c3252f86334&mt=application/vnd.ms-powerpoint&url=https://mail.google.com/mail/?ui%3D2%26ik%3Dde7c9b3e6d%26view%3Datt%26th%3D12e04c3252f86334%26attid%3D0.1%26disp%3Dattd%26realattid%3Df_gjwnk10k0%26zw&sig=AHIEtbSWgP9mgiWBDPjmW5Lo2fPbkjyFSA&pli=1i keep wondering if i should turn this into a public online journal, not just about baking, but about everything.. cuz i rarely bake, i'm just worried i'll say too much, or certain people will read it or i dunno... so, i'll maybe just start small... anyway, i keep having these dreams about my x husband and him cheating on me and then this guy keeps helping me cope with it. its not a guy i know but i know him so well now, in my dreams... ha ha that sounds funny. this "fake" guy though has really made me come to understand a lot of what im subconciously thinking/feeling. its crazy. dreams are crazy. i'll see if he comes back tonight and teaches me some more.. hahaha


1 comment:

  1. I hope everything is well with you and your little one. Sweet dream indeed, maybe it will come true :)
